Lambda WDS Analysis System
Designed for parallel beam operation, the Lambda spectrometers are available in models:
- Lambda Plus - Delivers the maximum efficiency for transition element energies from 150 eV to 10 keV (B Kα to Ge Kα) using polycapillary optics.
- Lambda Super - Combines polycapillary optics and a patented dual optics design to provide the ultimate efficacy for light elements, especially B, C, N, and O using high-collection, reflective X-ray optics.
The compact design of the Lambda spectrometers allows for easy installation on any standard Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) port. The Lambda spectrometers provide a perfect complementary tool for EDS analysis.

Scanning Modes
The Lambda spectrometers can scan over the entire energy range to cover at least one X-ray line for each element in the periodic table.
Scanning mode options include:
- Automatic acquisition of one or many EDS elements
- Ability to customize the scan range to your application using spectral Swipe Mode or manual input
- User-selectable step size and speed
- Peak and background modes for a selection of elements
- Define elements through an intuitive periodic table interface
- Software suggests diffractor, peak, and background positions
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
The EDAX WDS software with Smart Quant provides users with qualitative and quantitative measurements. Simultaneously collect and overlay EDS and WDS data for easy qualitative confirmation. The analyst can select a technique (EDS or WDS) for quantification of a desired element to improve precision and detection limits.
Features and Benefits
Compact Design
- Fits all SEM chambers with an available high-angle port
- Installs on standard EDS port - No special chamber or port required
- Combines X-ray optics and compact design to deliver superior count rates

High Count Rates and Peak-to-Background Ratios
- Rapid X-ray analysis at the best resolution available
- Excellent resolution of the K lines of transition elements
- Able to resolve most elemental overlaps
Ease of Alignment
- Automated routines improve operation, performance, and accuracy of data
Seamless Integration with EDS and Easy-to-Use Software
- Intuitive operation for EDS and WDS users
- Improved X-ray microanalysis
- Covers the entire periodic table
Smart Focus
The Smart Focus routine is a feature of the EDAX WDS software. The automated routine adjusts the sample height to focus the WDS signal and thereby enable the optimum performance of the spectrometer.