The Optigel laminar airflow prevents cross contamination. The new design provides maximum user space and comfort. Its horizontal flow of air enables fitting of extra shelves inside the cabinet without obstructing the flow. The cabinet is equipped with a gel sealant system that enables faster and safer changing of the main filter. The CPT digital panel provides full data and control over cabinet features.
The Optigel provides a clean air working area class 100 (ISO 5). The air is constantly blown horizontally through an HEPA filter into the working area to protect the product. The Optigel has a DC motor with ECM technology: Energy consumption reduces of 40%.
Protecting the User, Product & Environment
• Digital display control showing air velocity, inside pressure and working fan condition
• ECM Fan technology designed to compensate automatically for filter clogging. Consuming 30-40% less electricity
• Greater efficiency with 3 separate filters (EN-1822)
• Aluminium framed HEPA filter, efficiency H-14 (99.995%)
• Extra sterility after utilization to a level of ISO -5
• In Accordance with ISO 14644